13 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

For that altruism of Cuban electricians.

It is because of this altruism with which Cuban electrical workers honor the memory of Antonio Guiteras that they have earned the admiration and recognition of the people.

The generation, distribution, commercialization and strategies for the rational use of electric power require a human resource that, in addition to being trained, is fully committed to the safety and stability of a service that is necessary 24 hours a day in all socio-economic sectors of any nation.

In Cuba, it is the men and women who, by dint of hard work, innovation and a lot of willpower, work to maintain a system with decades of exploitation and based fundamentally on the production of electricity from fossil fuels. A scheme that in addition to the raw material, requires partial or capital renovations for its optimum efficiency.

A panorama that is worsened by the serious limitations with oil and the impossibility of acquiring parts or spare parts due to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the island.

This policy, which is another turn of the screw given to the set of measures established by the greatest imperialist power in the world to destroy the Cuban Revolution, is faced daily by the workers of the electric sector in their labor activity, which on many occasions is carried out in intense, extended working hours and under very difficult conditions, even for health and human life.

An example of this is the repair and maintenance work carried out in the electrical industry in confined spaces, lacking the necessary lighting and oxygen, or in the midst of soot, under the intense sun and the effects of high voltage, and the tasks of restoring the power grid in regions hit by the force of hurricane-force winds. This last aptitude describes them as a solidarity guild by nature.

Equally transcendental is the role of those who, with gallantry and intelligence, make decisions when the availability of energy is too limited. To speak of these decisions are the prolonged blackouts and abrupt drops of the National Electric Power System (SEN). These are occasions in which, beyond the popular discontent caused by these episodes, work is done to keep the circuits energized where essential economic-social objectives are located.

Under these and other pressures work those who work in our thermoelectric plants, maintenance companies to power plants, generators, provincial electric companies and their base units, as well as those of rational use of energy, among other dependencies of the sector.

A greater number of technicians, specialists and workers, whose objective is to obtain electricity through renewable energy sources, especially solar energy, are joining this guild, which celebrates its Day every January 14th. This fact is evidenced by the photovoltaic parks that already contribute to the SEN and the will of the Cuban State and government to advance in the change of the energy matrix with the increase of new sites.

It is for this altruism with which Cuban electrical workers honor the memory of Antonio Guiteras Holmes, who in 1934 intervened the misnamed Cuban Electricity Company, that they have earned the admiration and recognition of the people.

Written  by  Ana González Goicochea.








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