9 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Forty-eight years in favor of the inclusion of the visually impaired (+audio)

The National Association of the Blind (ANCI) in the province of Matanzas recently celebrated the 48th anniversary of the founding of its organization in the country with various activities and initiatives in all its municipal structures and a sustained work in favor of the social inclusion of its members.


Despite the effects aggravated by the recent pandemic situation and the current difficult economic and energy scenario in Cuba, the ANCI in this western territory does not stop its actions for the benefit of the welfare of its more than 1,500 associates.

«The Association arrives at this date stronger, returning as far as possible to our system of activities and with new community socio-cultural projects, all designed for the full inclusion of visually impaired people, «said Ramon Tier Perez, president of ANCI in Matanzas, in the context of the interview he gave to Radio 26 on the occasion of the date.


The ANCI, created on July 19th and 20th, 1975 in a Constitutive Assembly, has a structure that allows it to reach all blind and low vision people in every corner of the national geography. Its main objective is to achieve the incorporation of its members to the social life, from the integral rehabilitation of the individual.

Writen by Yovana Baró Álvarez.


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