15 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Integrated community work, a different view (+photos).

In 2024 in the province of Matanzas, work is being carried out in 33 vulnerable neighborhoods covering 38 districts.


In 2024 in the province of Matanzas, work is being carried out in 33 vulnerable neighborhoods covering 38 districts.


Las vecinos se convierten en protagonistas de la propia transformación

The neighbors become the protagonists of their own transformation.


In the so-called communities in transformation, work is done in a different way to address the problems that affect the quality of life of the residents and there is greater motivation and gratitude from the population that benefited.

According to the Provincial Labor Directorate, there are 104 communities in vulnerable situations in the territory in 76 Popular Councils with more than 45 thousand families living together, of which 2,060 are benefited with social assistance and 826 receive temporary monetary benefits.

Las actividades culturales favorecen el barrio.

Also living in these communities are 881 mothers with three or more children under 17 years of age, and 1,985 disengaged persons, suitable for study and employment, were counted in the statistics.

According to the report presented, the work with the people and the attention to social problems such as access to basic services, criminal situation and social indiscipline and the consumption of alcohol and harmful substances, among others, are part of the essence of the work in the neighborhoods and prove the validity and implementation of the principles of Socialism that sustain the Economic Model: «The human being is the main objective and protagonist subject; his dignity, equality and full freedom» and «socialist democracy based on the active participation of the citizens in the exercise of power».

Actividades recreativas en los barrios.

Recreational activities in the neighborhoods


However, these neighborhoods have not yet achieved the dynamism required to promote this activity, and there are weaknesses in the diagnoses, superficiality in the preparation of action plans, lack of integration and systematization in the use of control mechanisms, and weak influence of the structures of the province on the municipalities.

In addition, only 29 POINT 5 percent  of the allocated budget has been executed due to lack of adequate planning and lack of creativity in its execution.

To date, 330 of the population’s concerns have been addressed, but there are 4620 problems to be solved, mainly in terms of housing conditions.

La falta de sistematicidad en la recogida de desechos genera quejas e insarisfacciones en la población

The lack of systematicity in waste collection generates complaints and dissatisfaction among the population.


Among the social institutions that benefited are 12 parks, 11 medical offices, two pharmacies, four schools, four children’s circles, three social circles and four family care systems, 13 warehouses, a home for the elderly, and a cafeteria.

Acueducto y Alcantarillado es una de las que más acumula planteamientos.

Aqueduct and Sewerage is one of the areas with the highest number of requests.

Work was also done on the improvement of 19 roads, the transformation of 171 houses that were in poor condition, the elimination of 55 leaks, 104 housing documentation procedures, four requests for land in the area, the delivery of nine subsidies, the elimination of micro-dumps, and the improvement of a sports area.

Written by Yunielys Moliner Isasi.







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