José Ramón Fundora 2023 Visual Arts Salon to be held in Matanzas (+audio).

The provincial Plastic Arts branch of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) is calling all visual artists from Matanzas, whether they are members of the organization or not, to participate in the Jose Ramon Fundora Caballero 2023 Visual Arts Salon.
As announced through UNEAC’s social networks, this edition of the event will be dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution and to outstanding visual artists Manuel Hernandez and Osmany Betancourt (Lolo).
The call will admit works with a free theme, from all manifestations of the visual arts, one per artist or a series not exceeding 1.50 square meters.
The works must be delivered with the technical card and the author’s data, at the UNEAC headquarters, located at Milanés, no. 27417 between Matanzas and Magdalena, from December 4 until December 15th, between nine in the morning and five in the afternoon.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on Wednesday, December 20th and will remain open until January 20th, 2024.
UNEAC will award a single prize, the Juan Esnard Scholarship, which includes a cash prize and the production of a personal exhibition.
The jury will be made up of prestigious figures of the visual arts in Matanzas, who will announce the results on the closing day.
UNEAC Matanzas invites you to participate in the José Ramón Fundora Visual Arts Salon.
Written by Claudia Ortega Valido.