22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Matanzas Curator’s Office works on updating the Special Plan for Integral Development (+ photos and audio).


The Special Plan for Integral Development, PEDI, is a priority for the specialists of the Matanzas City Conservator’s Office as it is the most important tool in the process of development management and territorial planning.

At the most recent meeting of Conservators and Historians of the Network of Heritage Cities of Cuba, held in Cienfuegos, Matanzas shared its PEDI updated until 2030, with data resulting from research applied to the historic center that allow its proper management and restoration, expands the Curator of the City of Matanzas, Leonel Perez Orozco.

«This is a tool that contains the central structure of the management and conservation of the historic center of the city. The first copies were delivered to the governor of the province, Mario Sabines Lorenzo, to government authorities and decision makers throughout the territory.»


See also: HYPERLINK «https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/1939/193915927003.pdf» https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/1939/193915927003.pdf

Perez Orozco deepened that so far each Office of the Conservator and Historian had its own plan; however, the adoption of a single model, adjusted to the characteristics of each territory, homogenizes the working methods that facilitate the organization, protection and efficiency in the management of historic centers.

See also: HYPERLINK «http://www.acn.cu/especiales-acn/43027-matanzas-ciudad-con-vocacion-turistica-fotos» http://www.acn.cu/especiales-acn/43027-matanzas-ciudad-con-vocacion-turistica-fotos

The historian, researcher and speleologist also referred to how the actions aimed at the anniversary of the founding of the city of Matanzas, next October, are inserted in the Special Plan for the Integral Development of the city.

«The fundamental indicators are the integrality of the historical elements of the city. If we are talking about public spaces we have to see them as an environment that is inserted in the historic center and that has to function organically within that historic center; in the case of heritage buildings it is about establishing their function, change of use, among other specificities, so that they are integrated into the urban landscape.»


The Special Plan for Integral Development 2030 is a new type of planning instrument that includes tools for territorial and urban planning and the integral development of the Historic Center. Its doctrine proposes to guarantee an integral, prosperous and sustainable development, considering culture as the axis of development and the human being as the main subject of the rehabilitation work.

See also: HYPERLINK «https://www.radio26.cu/2023/01/05/reflexiones-respecto-al-330-aniversario-de-matanzas/» https://www.radio26.cu/2023/01/05/reflexiones-respecto-al-330-aniversario-de-matanzas/

It also focuses on addressing, in an articulated manner, the solution of socioeconomic problems, the preservation of cultural heritage and the environment, and the efficient and cultured exploitation of the territory’s potential. In order to make it possible to adapt to changing scenarios, the guiding document is to be updated every five years.

Written by Jessica Mesa.




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