6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

November and the tourist boom in Cuba.

The pleasant weather with little rainfall followed by clear skies, mild temperatures ranging between 21 and 29 degrees Celsius, low relative humidity and cool nights, justify why November marks the beginning of the high stage of tourism in Cuba.

The pleasant climate with little rainfall followed by clear skies, mild temperatures ranging between 21 and 29 degrees Celsius, low relative humidity and cool nights, justify why November marks the beginning of the high season for tourism in Cuba.

But as the eleventh month of the year also falls within the cyclonic season in the Atlantic basin, our geographical area, in this 2024 the winter tourist period was preceded by the passage of tropical storm Rafael by the west of the island.

However, the protection and care of the entire hotel and airport infrastructure made it possible for a flight with passengers from Poland to arrive at the country’s second most important air terminal, Varadero’s Juan Gualberto Gomez International Airport, on December 13th.

This allowed the Spanish company Plus Ultra to resume operations in Varadero and to start the tourist season in Cuba’s largest sun and beach destination. Officially, this vacation-recreational stage will begin in all of Cuba on November 22nd and will last until April 2025.

This is a program that, governed by the Ministry of Tourism, brings significant monetary benefits, essential for the socio-economic activity of this underdeveloped nation that is economically, financially and commercially blockaded by the world’s largest imperialist power.

Matanzas has not only the approximately 22 kilometers of fine sand and crystal-clear waters of Varadero. More than 50 hotels and a good number of extra-hotel facilities distributed throughout the Hicacos Peninsula also belong to that environment.

In this province, foreign and domestic tourists can also enjoy the natural beauties of the Zapata Swamp ecosystem -the best preserved wetland in the insular Caribbean- and the attributes of the three-hundred-year-old city of Yumurina, with unique patrimonial values such as the Pharmaceutical Museum, the Sauto Theater and the Palmar de Junco stadium.

Despite the economic limitations the country is facing, a professionally qualified human capital is involved and, above all, a faithful exponent of the values that distinguish Cubans to respond to the demands of customers with quality services, good treatment and warmth.

Hence the inclusion of artistic and sports programming, together with environmental and culinary culture, as essential gifts for tourism.


Written by Ana González Goicochea.



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