26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Positive actions by Social Services in Pedro Betancourt recognized (+photos and audios)

Social attention constitutes one of the priorities of the highest leadership of the national territory and precisely the municipality of Pedro Betancourt has been recognized for its positive results in this area during 2023.

Los módulos de alimentos benefician a disímiles núcleos de la localidad. (Fotos facilitadas por Abigail Rojas)

The food modules benefit different groups in the locality (Photos provided by Abigail Rojas).


Social attention is one of the priorities of the national territory’s top management and it is precisely the municipality of Pedro Betancourt that has been recognized for its positive results in this area during this 2023.

Distribución de los módulos en la bodega de excelencia "La Línea" de la cabecera municipal.

Distribution of the modules at the «La Línea» warehouse of excellence in the municipal capital.


Several community actions such as the delivery of food modules to people in vulnerable situations, the restoration and constructive maintenance of their homes, the search for alternatives for their insertion in the labor market, as well as the implementation of recreational activities are an example of the work of the Betancourean authorities in pursuit of the welfare of these citizens. In this regard, Mardiel Surí González, vice-president of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power and Oslay Díaz Pagés, local vice-president of Food said:


Social workers have become key players in the achievement of these favorable indicators of the municipality in terms of its social care policies for mothers with three or more children, people with disabilities, the elderly living alone and children without filial support. This was commented to our radio station by Abigaíl Rojas Labrada, director of Prevention and Social Attention in the Labor and Social Security Directorate of Pedro Betancourt.


Likewise, Yaíma Borges Herrera, municipal official of the Mother and Child Care Program, highlighted the main activities that the Program carries out to improve the quality of life and health of vulnerable families.


For her part, Marbelis Abreu Niebla, delegate of the locality’s 20th district, underscored the importance of the work carried out by the political and governmental leadership of the territory in the «Cuba Libre» neighborhood undergoing transformation in order to guarantee the well-being of people in vulnerable situations.

EL 2023 was undoubtedly, a clear sample of everything that can and must be done as part of the demographic and social care policies in our territory in order to, on the basis of the constant link between authorities and community factors, materialize initiatives and/or strategies that return the smile to these families and to the people in general.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado

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