10 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Tourism workers in Matanzas for energy savings.

Aware of the importance of energy saving, the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) in the province of Matanzas is taking measures to reduce electricity consumption in its hotel and extra-hotel facilities, said Ibia Betancourt, sub-delegate of that portfolio in the western province of Matanzas.

Aware of the importance of energy saving, the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) in Matanzas province is taking measures to reduce electricity consumption in its hotel and extra-hotel facilities, said Ibia Betancourt, sub-delegate of that portfolio in the western province of Matanzas.

Among the actions are the use of LED bulbs and efficient lighting systems, the installation of motion sensors to turn on lights only when necessary, the optimization of the use of air conditioners and other electrical equipment, as well as the training of personnel on energy saving practices.

The directive informed that the tourist services are maintained with the level of demand required at a time like this and also consistent with the call for the agency, considered a major consumer, to do its part in a rational use of this energy.

The actions implemented have the concept of maintaining the quality and thus guaranteeing the continuity of the committed economic plans, very essential for a sector such as this one, a vital source of foreign currency contributions to the State’s coffers.

Although Betancourt did not mention it, in previous stages, when occupancy levels have dropped, Matanzas has resorted to the concentration of services, an advantageous alternative for saving on climate, in the use of elevators and concentrating customers in a single housing block.

In the opinion of the sub-delegate of MINTUR, it is not a question of turning off and transferring a bad image to the client. The challenge for tourism managers and workers, she emphasized, lies in being more energy efficient, and that this does not have an impact on the quality of services.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.




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