13 de diciembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Prose and verse by Argentine Liliana Sandoval at UNEAC in Matanzas.

Argentine writer Liliana Sandoval Schivalocchi demonstrated her versatility, both in narration and poetry, as she delighted those present at the Juan Francisco Manzano hall of the UNEAC in Matanzas with excerpts from her works.

Accompanied by writer Carlos Chacón Zaldívar, the writer read pieces from her collection of poems Clavelina Roja and commented on pages from a selection of her published books, which included the novels Sílabas negras, Tal vez mañana, Debajo de sus huellas and the science fiction novels Hojas mecidas por el viento and Autopista 893.

In reciprocity with their art, the Matanzas poets Cecilia Soto, Derbys Domínguez, Humberto Fuentes, María E. Bayón, Hugo Hodelín, Náthaly Hernández and Carlos Chacón read their verses.

Professor Chacón highlighted Liliana Sandoval’s narrative forms when reflecting stories of her city, from where she chooses her characters and underlined the importance she gives to the narrator within the plot.

In an interview for this media, the writer from Buenos Aires expressed that she was invited by the Gender, Culture and Society Chair of the University of Matanzas through professors Mariela González and Mabel Domínguez Villalonga.

«We have made a cultural exchange with the students of the Pablo Neruda Literary Creation Workshop at the university and now with the members of the UNEAC. I consider myself above all a storyteller. Of my thirteen published books, eleven are fiction and two are poetry. I deal with diverse themes such as gender violence, science fiction and the intertextual tendency.

«The poetry ones are Caminos de pájaros and Clavelina….. The latter is inspired by a Chilean cueca by Violeta Parra. Writing is an impulse. Creation sets us free.»

What audiences is your writing aimed at?

«From adolescents onwards, because it can have several readings. A more superficial one, where the story is read and a deeper one, in which an adult reads between the lines and finds other meanings.»

The meeting at UNEAC was also attended by Argentine musician and orchestra conductor Facundo Maidana Sandoval; the director of Matanzas publishing house, Alfredo Zaldívar, National Publishing Award; and Leo Ernesto García Ramos, first vice-president of the host institution, who had words of praise for the guest.

The professor of Letters at the University of Buenos Aires came to Cuba for the first time in 2018 and today, already retired and with a recognized community work in her country, she has fulfilled «the desire to return to the island and its people, because I feel them close to my heart».

Written by María Elena Bayón Mayor.

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