6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Speaking out.

I have the habit, as far as I can, of listening to Radio Rebelde’s program «Hablando claro» (Speaking plainly), which sometimes does not speak so plainly, although as a general rule it beats to the rhythm of the people. A panel of journalists addresses issues of our daily life, Monday through Friday, starting at 12:15pm.

I am in the habit, to the extent of my possibilities, of listening to Radio Rebelde’s program «Hablando claro» (Speaking clearly), which sometimes does not speak so clearly, although as a general rule it beats to the rhythm of the people. A panel of journalists addresses issues of our daily life, Monday through Friday, starting at 12:15pm.

In each space they make proposals to improve the problems analyzed by the journalists, the last program I listened to referred, among other points, to the sale of objects we have at home and that we do not use. Here arose a proposal that would give utility to those things, in disuse in the hands of some and useful for others.


The idea was to create fairs in different places, where sellers and buyers could attend, without the need for bureaucratic procedures, and if necessary, a symbolic tax fee would be applied. This would be similar to a garage sale, but concentrated in one place.

It was discussed that each local government would establish the days and hours to sell the products. It is important that the objects to be sold are of their own use, which are no longer used by the sellers.

These sites can be common squares and also in neighborhoods, the latter, to bring the sales area closer to the population, so that there is no need to travel long distances. In particular, I value the initiative as positive.

Written by Enrique Tirse.





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