22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The unpublished book with young literature.

The literary promotion space El libro inédito (The Unpublished Book), organized by Ediciones Matanzas and the Matanzas Writers and Artists Union, will feature young writer Raul Piad Rios as a guest.

According to the cubaliteraria website[1], the event will take place on September 20th at 10:30 a.m. at the UNEAC headquarters in Matanzas.


Raul Piad has a degree in Sociocultural Studies from the University of Matanzas, graduated from the Onelio Jorge Cardoso Literary Training Center and is a storyteller who has won several awards, both locally and nationally, including second place in the contest organized by the magazine Juventud Técnica in 2014 and the Oscar Hurtado 2015 awards in the category of science fiction; the Mabuya of the same year, in the short story category; the David, with the selection of short stories Lo mejor es soñar and the Calendar for the novel A la sombra del mundo hogar (In the shadow of the home world).

At the moment Piad has three titles in publishing process: La suma de todo lo posible, in Ediciones La Luz; La balada del pastor by Ediciones Aldabón, text that obtained the prize summoned by the same publishing house in 2022; and Embajador sin retorno, book that deserved the prize La Edad de Oro of this year, under the seal of the publishing house Gente Nueva.

With the aim of sharing the latest of his literary work, the young science fiction narrator Raul Piad Rios will participate in the space The unpublished book, next Wednesday at the UNEAC in Matanzas.

photo taken from facebook.

Written by Claudia Ortega Valido.



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