2 de mayo de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

A date that calls for hearing care and timely treatment of hearing loss.

Ears are the window to a life full of sounds and sensations, not to mention communication. For this reason, every March 3rd, instituted as World Hearing Day, people and health systems are called upon to guarantee from an early age the care and treatment required by this complex and important organ of the human body.

Although specialists estimate that many of the causes of deafness in its various stages are preventable, it is estimated that by 2050 one in four people in the world, almost 2.5 billion, will be living with some level of hearing impairment.

According to the World Hearing Report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), at least 700 million of those affected will need access to hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken.

In most countries, ear and hearing care is not yet integrated into national health systems and access to these services is a challenge for those in need. Furthermore, access to hearing care is poorly measured and documented, and the health information system lacks relevant indicators.

The document states that governments often do not include hearing screening in basic health plans, and in low-income countries people do not have access to professionals, even if they have discomfort.

More than one billion adolescents and young adults are at risk of irreversible hearing loss, due to habitual practices of listening to music at high volume and for a prolonged period of time.

As reported «In children, nearly 60 percent of hearing loss is preventable through measures such as immunization for the prevention of rubella and meningitis, improved maternal and neonatal care, and early detection and treatment of otitis media, inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.

«In adults, noise control and monitoring of ototoxic medications, along with proper ear hygiene, can help maintain good hearing and reduce the likelihood of hearing loss.»

For WHO, the number of people living with untreated hearing loss is «unacceptable». As experts say, recent technological advances, including accurate and easy-to-use tools, can identify ear disease and hearing loss at any age, in clinical or community settings. With limited training and resources, diagnosis can take place even in challenging situations, or in underserved and remote areas of the world.

On the occasion of the date, you can read here https://somosdisca.es/dia-mundial-de-la-audicion-2024/ tips and recommendations valid for any age for hearing care.

(With text published in Granma)


Written by Yovana Baró Álvarez.


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