A «Rainbow» of hope in Los Arabos (+ audio and photos).

About thirty children between the ages of four and 12 make up the Arcoíris project, in which they learn to dance, sing, declaim and act.
Improves communication. Increases self-esteem. Boosts creativity. Contributes to the formation of their own criteria and increased concentration. Helps coordination and the learning of values. These are some of the benefits of artistic creation for children.
That is why sociocultural projects in which the artists are the children and young people, such as Arcoíris, the one run by art instructor Dayanis Rodríguez González in the Matanzas municipality of Los Arabos, are so welcome.
«This idea arises because we art instructors must have artistic units in different formats: soloists, duos and choirs. I started with my artistic units and managed to organize several numbers every time we performed in some activity. That’s how the idea of creating the project was born.
«What I did was to insert children from other teachings, of different ages and we have had presentations that are only with the proposals of the project, other times we have inserted ourselves in a show with other artists. The children are always active.
«Besides, it is very difficult for all of them to coincide because, as teachers, above all, we respect school and circle schedules, and when you work with children, especially young children, you know that they get sick. Sometimes it becomes cumbersome, but that’s where we go, one step at a time».
About thirty children between the ages of four and 12 make up the Arcoíris project, where they learn to dance, sing, declaim and act. «I had a lot of ideas but I couldn’t get them all together and at the beginning many things failed me.
«There are children who start and when it’s time to stand on stage or in front of the stage, they feel embarrassed. In January of this year we made our first presentation in the transformation zone of the municipality located in the Mario Muñoz neighborhood. There the stage was very difficult, but the children did very well, there was very good acceptance by the public.
«Then they performed in the park of La Diana, which was also filled. The teachers brought the children from the schools because we were in Culture Week and I heard good comments from the population. It is something that has had an impact on our municipality and on them.»
There are many difficulties in terms of materials to make the costumes, but with the support and creativity of the parents, they overcome any obstacle and make the art prevail, according to the testimonies of two mothers.
«It is quite difficult because we work and we have to divide ourselves between school responsibilities, homework, which is the priority, our work and the project; but we do our best to make them participate because they deserve it and it is a very nice experience.
«Resources are also difficult and we borrow to make the costumes. With the support of the teachers and parents, we try to do our best and we are succeeding,» says Marlén Rodríguez Aguerrebere.
«It has been hard work to make the costumes, but we have had the help of everyone, because the satisfaction of seeing them performing, that the clothes look beautiful, that they look beautiful and are happy while they are doing it is worth all the sacrifice.
«Of course everyone’s support has been fundamental, without them it would not have been possible. I usually design the costumes and everyone helps me with the fabric cuttings, the thread, the accessories to decorate», adds Liliana Galvanis Herrera.
«This is achieved because the parents have become so involved that what is not there, they look for, they are always looking for it, they are always aware of every detail, they are very united with regard to the project. We are a family, the children get along very well,» explains Rodríguez González.
This is also attested to by the testimonies of the participants and their parents. «I think it’s a very nice project. I have learned a lot and I like how we in our project take what we do to all the communities of Los Arabos, showing and giving happiness to other children,» confessed Marian Aldama Borrego, a member of the Arcoíris project.
«The project has helped the children to learn to sing, dance, recite, to belong to a group of children who are like a family that gives other children a beautiful teaching,» argued Liliana Galvanis Herrera.
«It also teaches them to coexist among themselves to relate better with other people, to share their things and highlight the merits of each other, to express their ideas of how each presentation can be better and, most importantly for me, it teaches them to have fun in a healthy and learning way. Everyone loves Dayanis very much because she is doing a spectacular job with the children. I think it is very nice and very instructive for the children,» explained Rodriguez Aguerrebere.
Written by Jessica Mesa.