At the gates of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival.

The fourteenth edition of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival will be held at the Plaza America Convention Center from September 11th to the 13th.
The fourteenth edition of the Varadero Gourmet International Festival will be held at the Plaza America Convention Center from September 11th to the 13th.
Kenia Borges, bartender of the Meliá Internacional Hotel, has participated in other occasions of this event, about her experience she comments.
«I have participated in several editions of the Festival, especially in the blind rum tasting competition, it is a very nice experience and not only what is the competition as such, but also to participate in the conferences, in the pairings, which brings us a lot to us. In the blind rum tasting competition I have obtained first or second place. This year I will participate, but as a judge in the classic and Flear competitions».
The event, which aims to promote the evolution of Cuban food and maintain sustainability, in addition to encouraging the creativity of professionals, will feature renowned chefs who will give lectures and master classes.
In this regard Zulema Afa, director of Plaza America, said:
«There are with us chefs of recognized prestige from the Federation of Culinary Associations of the Republic of Cuba; professors who were in the chair of Gastronomy and Culture of the Ministry of Tourism; the president of the chair at the moment, who is a woman; the president of the Association of Sommeliers of Cuba, who are going to give us a group of lectures and are going to participate as jurors.
«In this case we have five competitions. One where we see that its court is the kitchen, gastronomic service and sommelier and others of cocktail bar only, dedicated to the classic part. The other contest that we have since the previous edition, which has a good weight for us, is the animation.
In this one we also see the Gastronomy and the Cuban Culture represented in our facilities. There is also a stand design contest to evaluate the participation of businessmen and suppliers of products and services for the tourism chain».
written by Melissa Guerra.