6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Best in the world, beach zone of Meliá Las Antillas Hotel.

The stretch of sea located in areas of the Meliá Las Antillas hotel is included in the report on the best beaches of 2024, a selection prepared by the International Training Center for Beach Management and Certification (CIFPLAYAS) and the Federal University of Rio Grande (Brazil).


The stretch of sea located in areas of the Meliá Las Antillas hotel is included in the report on the best beaches of 2024, a selection made by the International Training Center for Beach Management and Certification (CIFPLAYAS) and the Federal University of Rio Grande (Brazil).

The area of this facility, managed by Cubanacán and the Spanish company Meliá, was ranked as the best, with a score of 95 out of 100, as a result of the analysis of the categories of recreation, protection, conservation and health.

Este logro refuerza la postura del hotel con el turismo sostenible. Foto: Web de Cubanacán.

This achievement reinforces the hotel’s stance on sustainable tourism. Photo: Cubanacán website.


Environmental quality, storm protection, services and infrastructure were rated with the highest value. «It is characterized by its fine white sand, blue and transparent waters, and good conservation and restoration of its dunes and vegetation. It has an impeccable integrated management system and offers all the services typical of tourist beaches, with a sustainable design and operation», refers the CIFPLAYAS study.

Por segundo año consecutivo Meliá Internacional Varadero aparece en este ranking. Foto: Tomada del blog Meliá Cuba.

For the second consecutive year, Meliá Internacional Varadero appears in this ranking. Photo: Taken from the Meliá Cuba blog.


The Meliá Cuba blog celebrated the news of the recognition given to Meliá Las Antillas, which leads a list created by managers and academics based on a conceptual-methodological framework and parameters that are broken down into carefully evaluated indicators.

The Iberian company based in Cuba signified the fact that two others of its own also appear in this selection. These are the Meliá Internacional Varadero stretch, deserving of fourth place (93/100), and the Perla Blanca beach, near the Paradisus Los Cayos hotel in Cayo Santa María, ranked eighth, with 90 out of 100 points.

«The presence of three beaches related to hotels we manage among the top positions is proof of our team’s commitment to sustainability and to offering each traveler the best experience,» Meliá Cuba published.

Under the responsibility of 46 experts, including oceanographers, engineers, geographers, chemists and educators, the evaluation methodology for the Best Beaches 2024 report was applied to 123 sites in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain and Venezuela.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armián.




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