1 de mayo de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Bookstores in Matanzas to organize summer fairs.

The intense work in the commercial area of the provincial Center of Books and Literature in Matanzas will guarantee the entry of new titles in the local bookstores, with a view to several literary fairs during the summer days.

A tingling of workers can be seen in the premises of the mansion, located in the neighborhood of Versalles, where volumes that are part of the institutional funds are stored.

To find out what is new in distribution, we interviewed Miladys Pérez Labrada, sales representative of this entity:

«Distribution has behaved satisfactorily, despite the known transportatio.n difficulties. There is a wide variety of genres and authors, with the aim of holding fairs in the municipal capitals, where we have sent around 400 titles

«But don’t worry, because a total of 200 firsts have been sent to the people’s councils that have bookstores.

«We have also provided texts for different age groups. In the case of children, we have added coloring books, tabloids with didactic games and the necessary notebooks.»

In relation to the authors she pointed out:

«We have included works by Cuban classics such as Miguel Barnet, Fina García Marruz, Alejo Carpentier….

«We have presence of local publishers with editions Matanzas and Aldabón, among these are El agua y el espejo, Historia de blancos y negros, Frei Betto, al borde de una paradoja and we will add some offers in digital format, if there are computer conditions.»

In particular, two children’s books in high demand are announced, we refer to the text A la sombra de un león, by Eddys Baratute and Rosa de los vientos, by the well-known and award-winning writer José Manuel Espino, who chairs the UNEAC in the province.

While in the adult category will be sold, among others, Tal como viví, memoirs of the renowned and recently deceased Cuban doctor Rodrigo Álvarez Cambra, National Labor Hero; as well as Fidel, the latest biography of the Commander in Chief, written by Katiuska Blanco, highly demanded nationwide.

Breaking the exclusivity of the capital city, the incessant work of these workers of the Provincial Center of Books and Literature, will promote the reading of hundreds of literary novelties, which can be appreciated by the people in the entire territory of Matanzas during the holiday period.

Written by María Elena Bayón.



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