12 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Botica Francesa celebrates Cuban Pharmacist’s Day.

The Botica Francesa de Matanzas is getting ready to conclude November and continue December with commemorative actions, whose main motivation will be the celebration of the Cuban Pharmacist’s Day on November the 22nd.

For details of what will happen, we interviewed for Radio 26 the director of that institution, Marcia Brito Hernandez:

«We celebrate on this date the birth of Matanzas leader Antonio Guiteras Holmes, who was a doctor in Pharmacy, we then receive students from the University and technological centers.


«It is about sharing the activities of recognition to the workers of the sector, who today play a fundamental role in the elaboration of medicines from elements of nature, to make up for the shortage of products that we have.

«It is an important date, of celebration, in which the museum plays a role, because we receive visitors, hold events and go to various places in the city, providing the way of making medicines.»

Likewise, in November, the Pharmaceutical Museum of Matanzas extends its messages to work and community centers, in addition to offering cultural spaces, with the participation of outstanding figures of the Art in Matanzas.

We also learned that the pharmaceutical museum is preparing for December a special day on the first of December, in remembrance of the birth of the poet and designer Rolando Estévez Jordán, on the 3rd it announces the commemoration of the Cuban Medicine Day and other anniversaries, which will join the celebrations for the triumph of the Revolution and the anniversary of the foundation of the pharmacy, events that we will inform later on.

Written by María Elena Bayón.



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