4 de mayo de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Cardenas: Innovation and commitment by PROSA.

After several technological adjustments, Productos Sanitarios S.A., PROSA, restarted the production of white paper. The only industry in Cuba that carries out this type of production has had periods of instability due to a shortage of raw materials and the repair of machinery.

In a recent meeting with officials from ANIR and the National Union of Industry Workers, the director of Science, Technology and Innovation of PROSA and its top union representative presented the company’s strategy of strengthening the organisation at the centre, the search for solutions that generate savings of resources and greater impact on the economy, and the productive linkage with state entities and new economic actors.

The potential of the workers and their willingness to provide solutions to the bank of problems identified were highlighted.

Among the innovations that stand out in the last stage is the one made from the recovery of the cloth discarded by the paper machine. Workers in the toilet paper converting workshop number 2 use this material on the toilet paper roll conveyor belts as an alternative solution to maintain its operation and reduce expenditure on the purchase of inputs for import substitution.

In this regard, the signing of a contract between PROSA and the MSME Procovar Sur in the line of toilet paper, napkins and tussue paper, produced entirely in Cuba, stands out.

This and other links were facilitated by the participation of the entity in the International Tourism Fair with the presentation of new brands and the consolidation of a new productive chain.

Written by Chavely Dávila Dávila/Radio Ciudad Bandera.


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