6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Children drew the dream of the Homeland.

Where better to find the dream of the homeland than in the children’s drawings?

Where better to find the dream of the homeland than in children’s drawings? This is precisely the title of the contest awarded this Tuesday at the portals of La Vigía, in the city of Matanzas, to celebrate the 98th anniversary of the birth of Fidel Castro Ruz, historic leader of the Cuban Revolution.

The winners of the contest El sueño de la Patria were: Daniel Alfonso, Camila Sosa and Claudia Guisa, and they awarded mentions to Angélica Hernández, Angelina Sánchez and Mariam Morales.
Daniel said that the decision to paint the Commander in Chief accompanied by the Cuban flag resulted from a summer workshop in which he recently participated, during which he was encouraged to represent elements related to the Cuban identity; the young author clarified that he did not use crayons, because he prefers colors to work the lights and shadows.

Colorful birds, shining suns in blue skies, trees and busts of José Martí are among the frequent elements in the drawings conceived by the children who responded to the contest organized by the Provincial Council of Visual Arts in Matanzas and the socio-cultural project La Rivera.

On August 13th, 98 years after Fidel’s birth, many actions were carried out to honor the imprint of the Commander-in-Chief and, undoubtedly, among them, those related to children deserve special attention to bring new generations closer to the ideology of a universal revolutionary reference.

Written by Yenly Lemus.



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