6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

From the Te Conté an space in the UNEAC.(+photos).

It was a delightful encounter between performing arts and music. The fluttering of dozens of fans and the applause of those present for the artists from Havana and the courtyard invited to UNEAC’s social house, marked the seal of the evening in the last Te Conté peña of the summer, under the direction of oral storytellers Ileana Hernández and «Mamita» de León.


Hosts «Mamita» de Leon and Ileana Hernandez.

Alicia Socarrás, a specialist at the Gener y Del Monte library, explained that the theme of the month was dedicated to the fan, a must-have garment in the tropics, which arrived on the island from the hands of the Spaniards to be made with different materials, from mother-of-pearl, lace and precious woods to the yarey and cardboard of the famous «penca», while promoting the reading about the evolution of this useful accessory.

Visiting storytellers, such as actor Osvaldo Manuel Pérez Peñalver, director of the group Teatro de la Palabra, Rosa Irene Pino, Rafael Martínez and Lubelia Leyva, played a leading role.

In particular, the performances of Osvaldo, with his «simple» story about a rhinoceros, pink or gray, with a blue cape and saxophone, almost childish, almost adult, aroused the emotion of the audience, as well as the humorous and erotic story interpreted by Rafael, about his romance with Marta, the ugliest girl in the neighborhood. Also interesting was the dynamic narration in two voices of one of the texts.

For Matanzas, the warm and full humanistic vision of Loreley Rebull was presented with the legend of the emergence of the first pearl in the world and the actor Gilberto Subiaurt who arrived under the rain.

Music burst into the voices of composer and singer Alfonsito Llorens, vice-president of the UNEAC branch, recently arrived from a tour of Mexico, and the renowned Conchita Torres and her group, who delighted the audience with her very Cuban guajiras.

A special moment was the presentation by the president of UNEAC Yumurina, writer José Manuel Espino, of the recognition of this institution to the artist «Mamita» de León, celebrating the 25th anniversary of her life as an oral storyteller. He also highlighted the pleasure of having at this venue the valuable guests from the capital of the country and to enjoy her splendid scenic art in the peña Te conté.

As always, the event ended with dancing and the continuous fluttering of the fans in the heat of the Te Conté club, one of the most popular in the City of Bridges.

Written by María Elena Bayón.






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