6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

International Event Matecompu 2024 from the University of Matanzas (+audio) .

The main activities will include: presentation of lectures by specialists in these disciplines, exhibition of papers and posters, workshops, short courses and scientific debate exchanges.

As in previous years, the Faculty of Education of the University of Matanzas will develop from tomorrow November 19th to 21st the International Event «Mathematics, Statistics and Computing: teaching and applications» Matecompu 2024, in its twenty-fifth edition.

Click here …. https://www.umcc.cu/2024/11/12/xxv-evento-internacional-matecompu-2024/

Professor Yamilet Milián Díaz, president of the organizing committee of the event, gave details to Radio 26 about the traditional event, which is annually organized by the academy in Matanzas in the on-site and online modalities.



According to the call, aimed at researchers, teachers of all educational levels and university students, socializing scientific results and experiences on good practices in the teaching of these subjects remains the main purpose of the event.

According to the organizational program, the main activities will include: presentation of lectures by specialists in these disciplines, exhibition of papers and posters, workshops, short courses and exchanges of scientific debate. In addition, there will be space to organize inter-institutional collaboration and exchange.

As explained to us by the head of the Department of Mathematics-Physics at the Faculty of Education, M. Sc. Bernardino Alfredo Almeida Carazo, Honorary President of the event, will give the inaugural speech, sharing his vision on the crucial role of these disciplines in education and today’s society.

«This event represents a valuable opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and experiences among professionals in the sector and is expected to contribute to the advancement of the teaching and application of the exact sciences in Cuba and beyond » -accented the academic.

Written by Yovana Baró.









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