6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Joven Club: 37 years at the service of the Cuban family (+audios).

Born under Fidel’s leadership and with the premise of contributing to the informatization of Cuban society, the Computer and Electronics Youth Clubs have consolidated their position as the mainstay of access to technology on the island.

Throughout their 37 years of existence, they have demonstrated their social commitment, opening learning, training and employment opportunities in the technological field and promoting knowledge and innovation in the digital era. This was expressed by Tania Villaurrutia Capote, professor of Political Culture at the Leonor Pérez Cabrera Polytechnic School in Pedro Betancourt municipality, who was part of the first group of instructors of the Youth Clubs in Matanzas.


Villaurrutia Capote also had many experiences that enriched his professional life during his work with the Joven Clubs. In this regard, she said:


In the midst of the complex economic scenario facing the country, the JCCE has diversified its portfolio of services for the technological development of the nation and the improvement of its customers, while demonstrating the great flexibility and adaptability of its staff to the many challenges posed by this situation.

Regarding its training function and the different services that, in correspondence with the current process of bankarization, are materialized in these facilities, the instructor Lianys Arolas Pedroso argued:


Arolas Pedroso also discussed the commitment of the Joven Clubs to provide quality services for the benefit of the population:


With a decisive role in the socio-cultural life of the community, high rates of efficiency and professionalism in their services and a constant joint work with multiple political and mass organizations, agencies and institutions, the Youth Clubs have positioned themselves as leading spaces in the promotion of an accessible and responsible digital culture within the reach of Antillean families.

This was stated to our radio station by Yaser Martín García, specialist B in Computer Sciences and instructor C of the Municipal Group of the Young Computer and Electronics Clubs of Pedro Betancourt:


After 37 years of creating one of the most innovative and timely initiatives of the Cuban Revolution, the Youth Clubs have boosted the creation of new sources of employment and the insertion of young people in the labor market, as well as the training of the population in the accurate and didactic acquisition of digital and technological skills.

Written by Yadiel Barbón Salgado.








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