6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

New gastronomic center at Pediatric Hospital (+photos).

And with profits, as Leonel Lemus, leader of the local development project, explained to me, «Chinese style», trying to sell a lot, but with low prices. Which, by the way, are nothing like those of other vendors that surround the Yumurino Pediatric Hospital in large numbers.

A new gastronomic center opened its doors in Matanzas at the end of last year. Although it is a fact that happens all the time in the city, this one has characteristics that make it different.

The first one is its location, inside the Pediatric Hospital. Although it is open 24 hours a day for those who wish to use it, and already in great demand by nearby neighbors, it is designed mainly for children admitted to the health center and those who accompany them, workers, doctors and medical students who do their internships there.

The prices are also striking in comparison with other places, since, for example, an espresso coffee that costs between 60 and 80 pesos in other facilities costs 35 pesos there, and not because it is of lower quality.


Among the dishes offered are porridges and other foods for children receiving health care, and several days a week are set aside to help companions in difficult economic situations, who sometimes have to stay in the hospital for several months to take care of their infants.

The initiative is the brainchild of a group of people who started as self-employed workers at the Faustino Pérez Provincial Hospital, mainly selling coffee. They later went on to form a MSME on the premises and expanded their services with great acceptance by many.

They have been there for four years and are now part of the Kfé Salud Local Development Project, which also includes the premises set up in the children’s hospital.




Although it is still being planned, since each establishment requires a considerable investment, they are thinking of extending their services to the city’s Maternity Hospital as well.

It is a laudable effort to offer food different from that of the health care center or at least a coffee and a few minutes of relaxation to those who work there or go through the difficult situation of having a small child in the hospital, sometimes for a long time. And with profits, as Leonel Lemus, leader of the local development project, explained to me, «Chinese style», trying to sell a lot, but with low prices.

Which, by the way, are nothing like those of other vendors who surround the Yumurino Pediatric Hospital in large numbers, contravening the laws that regulate this activity outside schools and health centers, and «squeezing» more and more every day with the price of their products.

Photos by Felix Gonzalez

Written by Sergio López Herrera.



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