12 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

New literary space at Gener y del Monte library inaugurated

The writer Lucía Cristina Pérez Hernández inaugurated a new space in the Gener y Del Monte library, of significance for the safeguarding of the works of the writers of Matanzas in the Department of Rare and Valuable Collections of that institution, by donating and expanding the collection of notebooks of her authorship.

The writer Lucía Cristina Pérez Hernández inaugurated a new space in the Gener y Del Monte Library, of significance for the safeguarding of the works of the writers of Matanzas in the Department of Rare and Valuable Collections of said institution, by donating and expanding the collection of notebooks of her authorship.

The book «Un sonido de bronces», which contains poems in Haiku style, with the particularity of exhibiting at the same time 20 photographs of excellence, by the award-winning visual artist Jesús Fernando Martínez (Chuchi), which appear as illustrations in the book, published by the Panamanian publishing house Mc Pherson in 2020.

These images have been transferred to Santiago de Cuba, Sancti Spíritus and localities of the province of Matanzas through the special exhibition «Brevedades».

The writer also offered the library the children’s texts «Clarita y el tiempo» ( Vigía Editions, 2010) and its second edition (by the Panamanian publisher Mc Pherson 2019), «Niña que sueña el laúd», (Ediciones Matanzas 2010) and «En algún desliz del tiempo», ( Matanzas Editions, 2018) with illustrations by the master of design Zenén Calero.

In her speech, the specialist María Aleida Aguiar stressed the importance of this gesture, which allows the creation of a movement of donations for the preservation of the works of creators in Matanzas, as part of the bibliographic and patrimonial wealth treasured by the institution.

During the meeting, Lucía told how one night she was inspired by an idea about a little girl named Clarita and thus her first book for the little ones was born.

Afterwards, she and Chuchi recounted the ups and downs they went through to achieve the beautiful and suggestive images of the Haikus of «Un sonido de bronces», as a splendid support for the verses, exponents of a waste of philosophy and lyricism on the part of the writer.

The promoter Cecilia Soto also had words of praise for the romancero «En algún desliz del tiempo», where the symbolism that Lucía gives to the themes of the relationships between living beings and the love of nature in a simple and tender language dedicated to children can be appreciated.

The guest author promised to donate to the library a new book published by the Mc Pherson publishing house, entitled «Carita de sueño», as soon as she got her hands on the copies she had received.

At the end of this new literary moment in the cultural precinct, Lucía officially handed over the donation to the director Magaly Cárdenas, who expressed her satisfaction for this act, since the books delivered promote a special identity, as they represent the intellectual production of the territory itself and this collection is considered «the one that makes the libraries unique».

Written by María Elena Bayón Mayor.










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