7 de septiembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The cultural coincidences of March in Matanzas.

March is a month that stands out among those that offer more cultural proposals to the public of Matanzas. Whether it is because it includes important theatrical celebrations or because it almost always coincides with the celebration of the Book Fair.

March is a month that stands out among those that offer more cultural proposals to the public of Matanzas. Whether it is because it includes important theatrical celebrations or because it almost always coincides with the celebration of the Book Fair in the territory, the truth is that the third month of the year always fills the institutions and squares of Matanzas.

See also: https://www.cubahora.cu/cultura/feria-del-libro-en-el-occidente-cubano-apostar-por-la-vocacion-cultural-de-una-fiesta-literaria

It is worth mentioning that the actions of the International Meeting Retablo Abierto, a space for exchange and learning created in 2019 by Teatro de Las Estaciones for the study and creation on figures, forms, visualities and animated objects and that has had guests from Mexico, Ecuador and Spain, have already taken place.

On March 6, when Plastic Arts Day was celebrated around the world, the provincial award was presented to Javier Dueñas during the exhibition Toda una isla en mí, at the Esquerré gallery.

See also: https://www.radio26.cu/2024/03/07/javier-duenas-premio-provincial-de-artes-plasticas-por-la-obra-de-la-vida-audio-y-fotos/

The exhibition Ensayando con Las Estaciones, by photographer Denis Santana Torres, master classes on the poetics of the groups Proyecto Interdisciplinario Experimental from Argentina and Luz, Micro y Punto, from Spain with the dismantling of two works were part of the program.

As a cultural symbiosis that distinguishes every program in Matanzas, the Matanzas chapter of the Book Fair, dedicated to poet and playwright José Manuel Espino and the stage collective Las Estaciones for its 30 years of creation, ended just three days ago.

The 95th anniversary of the birth of Celina Gonzalez will motivate this Friday, March 15, the Meeting of Women Decimists at Casa Naborí, in Limonar. Likewise, the National Artisan Artist Festival is about to start March 17th to 19th and will celebrate the International Craftsmanship Day with a commercial fair and several activities at the ACAA headquarters in Matanzas and its counterpart in Cardenádez.

The third edition of the event will focus on handicrafts within the theater, especially on the transcendence of Teatro de Las Estaciones.

See also: https://giron.cu/2024/03/12/un-poco-de-amor-homenaje-a-la-creatividad-en-festival-nacional-el-artesano-artista/?fbclid=IwAR04BVdtHtq0K5utZDh9HvnVbX0PdTfnxWX-uXFiHzsnDcYqECJelv8du_M

Another moment in which the Matanzas theater groups will join will be, from March 16th to 24th, the Jornada Nacional de Teatro Por Una Infancia Feliz, to celebrate the International Children’s Theater and Oral Narration Days, on March 20th, Puppetry Day, on March 21st, and Theater Day, on March 27th.

From the performing arts also highlights the Jornada de Teatro Abelardo Estorino, in Unión de Reyes, from the 29th to the 31st, in a joint effort between Teatro de Sur and the Provincial Council for the Performing Arts, which this year 2024 will pay tribute to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Santa Clara group El Mejunje, 80 years of life of the renowned artist René Fernández, director of Papalote Theater, 44 years of Teatro D’Sur and 20 years of the premiere of the play Cuarteto, one of the most applauded plays in the catalog of the emblematic group from Union founded by Pedro Vera.

See also: https://radiounion963fm.wordpress.com/2024/03/05/desarrollaran-en-union-de-reyes-vigesimo-segunda-edicion-de-la-jornada-de-teatro-abelardo-estorino/

For this opportunity the participation of the groups Mejunje, Icarón, Pálpito, Mirón Cubano, the companies Danza Espiral, Novadanza, Despertar Ilusiones, the actor Gilberto Subiaurt, the actress Valia Valdés, the clown Caramelo and the circus La Rueda, among others, has been announced.

Written by Jessica Mesa



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