6 de mayo de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The fun of the Paper Treasure pavilion.

The 32nd Book Fair in Matanzas has behaved with the characteristic spirit of Yumurian readers and a yearning for stories and verses that exalt personal spirituality in the family environment.

This was evident at the Tesoro de Papel Pavilion, where the actors of El Mirón Cubano started the commotion with a tasty conga that took the children to the Peña El Maíz Regado at the City Conservator’s Office,

There, José Manuel Espino, rector of that movement, to whom this Matanzas Book Fair is dedicated for his great literary merits, was waiting for them, ready to present his poetic anthology Rosa de los vientos, with which he won the Reader’s Prize at the Havana Fair.

Also promoting their works were writers Yoli Hernández, Freddy Casanova, Regla de la Caridad González, Bárbara Cruz, Teté Tarifa, Loreley Rebull and Yoandri Martínez, who made stories and read poems, launched tongue twisters and riddles, for the enjoyment of children.


The children were equally delighted with the artistic company Despertar ilusiones, under the direction of Omar Fuentes.

This Friday at the Tesoro de Papel Pavilion, an important event will take place with the presentation of the book Niña Dora y Retrato teatral de tres infantes, by playwright and National Theater Award winner Rubén Darío Salazar, director of Teatro de las Estaciones, a group that is celebrating its 30th anniversary and was chosen to preside over the Matanzas fair.

And in the afternoon, children will discover the characters of the book Cuentos de Rocío y Pájaro Añil, by Lourdes Caballero, in addition to the performance of the Mirón Cubano theater group together with the circus La Rueda, with the show En un dos por tres.

As for the following days, on Saturday, the proposal of the Children’s Pavilion will be at 10 am with the performance of the project El duende y yo, by Teatro Icarón and the presentation of the books Ética Pelética busca abogado and Daniela Metelapata en Rarestonia del Este, by award-winning writer Carlos Ettiel Gómez, who will talk to children about his comic characters.

At 2:00 p.m., the Storytelling Hour will promote the texts Un circo para Alfred, by Elaine Vilar Madruga and A la sombra del león, by Eldys Baratute. The latter also won the Reader’s Prize at the Havana Fair.

The children’s catalog of Ediciones La Luz, from the sister province of Holguin, will also be presented. .

On the last day, Sunday 10th, one of Cuba’s most important children’s writers, Nelson Simón, from Pinar del Río, will talk to children about his book Canciones de Ida y Vuelta (Songs of There and Back), hosted by Maylan Álvarez.

To close his time at the Fair, the Tesoro de Papel Pavilion will offer a show by the popular Novadanza Company.

Written by María Elena Bayón.



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