22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The Gravitations of two Matanzas artists (+ photos).

Five unpublished pieces make up the exhibition Gravitations, which opened this Wednesday and will remain throughout the month of July at the Artys gallery bar, located on the Paseo de Narváez.

Five unpublished pieces make up the Gravitations exhibition, which was inaugurated this Wednesday and will remain throughout the month of July at the Artys gallery bar, located in Paseo de Narvaez, in the city of Matanzas.

See also: https://www.instagram.com/lorenzoprietogallerystudio/

In the exhibition, the young artist Lorenzo Prieto García, who stands out in the visual panorama of Matanzas for his constant and questioning creative process, once again offers a forceful pictorial discourse, related to the most pressing realities of the Cuban people, using the urban landscape as support.

«Frank Alexis Ortega, a photographer and promoter of the visual arts par excellence, was the unifying force behind this idea. Gravitations is a small exhibition that is part of a project that Eddy Hernandez Rodriguez and I already had in mind to carry it out here at the bar.

«The works reflect the Cuban reality, as I have worked in previous exhibitions. It emphasizes phenomena that affect the Cuban context, among them emigration, with a great impact on the interior of families.»

See also: https://teveo.cu/media/rEABQ6YZvFmHXpGz

The exhibition also reveals Prieto García’s versatility in the use of color and the techniques he employs, ranging from painting and drawing to installation art with incursions into sculpture.

«In this series, painting and drawing predominate, with a wider palette of colors and a tendency towards academia. It is what has characterized my most recent works, but always with the purpose of reflecting the moment we live in, the circumstances we are going through.

«I could exemplify a work entitled Travesía (Crossing), which is completely focused on emigration, which has become more and more acute in the country; Del otro lado (On the other side), on the other hand, refers to Cubans who are no longer in their homeland, but feel nostalgia and hope for a reunion».

Frank Alexis Ortega Sosa, coordinator of this project that monthly proposes visual arts exhibitions in the downtown commercial establishment, commented that both artists share common points in terms of the themes they deal with, each one from his own style.

«They are also distinguished by their preference in the use of textures and they are two of the creators who present the most works in the salons and contests organized by the institutions of the territory, being also among the two most awarded», he argued.

See also: https://www.radio26.cu/noticias-de-matanzas/cultura/el-lujo-del-arte-matancero-en-jornada-de-la-cultura-cubana-fotos-audio-y-video/

The artist invited to the exhibition with the work Esperando el último paletazo referred to this when he expressed that «we are moved by common intentions in terms of the message, what is different is the way of expressing the problems that affect us.»

Ortega Sosa took the opportunity to announce that Mauricio Cifuentes will be invited to exhibit his work during the month of August at the Artys gallery bar. He said that in his first presentation to the public he will propose «seven pieces that will form a single work, also dedicated to emigration which, without being the only issue of concern to the population, it is essential to address it nowadays».

Until the end of the year, photographers Karla Gonzalez Horta and Ernesto Cruz and painters Fidel Raul Cruz and Javier Dueñas will show their visual proposals at the same site.

Written by Jessica Mesa.









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