13 de junio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

To break down stereotypes ingrained in society.

Representatives of various organizations and institutions met at the Sauto Theater to exchange on inclusive communication, gender equity and roles at home, on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the Federation of Cuban Women.

The president of the Association of Communicators of Cuba in Matanzas, Daymette Montenegro Morales, gave a lecture on how we see gender stereotypes in practice on a daily basis and how we must, from an inclusive communication, advance as a society in the equity of roles.

«Whenever we talk about take care centers keepers, we always refer to the female gender and that is not correct, there are also circle keepers. The same happens with the front page of the Ministry of Agriculture, where all are men. Wrong, there are also women in agricultural work», he explained in his dissertation.

At the end of the conference, those present discussed the different views that exist today on the subject.

An educator from Círculo Infantil, who has a long career, related her experience with parents who did not want their children to carry out certain activities at the center because they thought they were a ‘woman’s’ thing and not a ‘man’s’ thing.

Hence the importance of the work that must be done from an early age in schools to break down stereotypes that have been ingrained in society for decades.

Written by Leydis Hernández Pelier.


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