6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Varadero Airport inaugurates children’s house in Carbonera (+photos).

The Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport has just inaugurated the Avioncitos de Colores children’s house in the town of Carbonera, the second one of the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS) in the country to benefit children, children of mothers, fathers or guardians of the Matanzas terminal and the community itself.

The Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport has just inaugurated in the town of Carbonera the «Avioncitos de Colores» children’s house, the second of the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS) in the country to benefit children, children of mothers, fathers or guardians of the Matanzas terminal and the community itself.


Acompañado por niños, Mario Sabines cortó la cinta inaugural de Avioncito de Colores. Foto: Tomada del Facebook del aeropuerto internacional de Varadero. 

Accompanied by children, Mario Sabines cut the inaugural ribbon of Avioncito de Colores. Photo: Taken from the Varadero International Airport Facebook.


Mario Sabines Lorenzo, first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Joel Beltrán Archer Santos, president of the Cuban Aviation Corporation, and Marieta Poey, governor, presided over the ceremony of this variant of early childhood educational attention in the institutional modality, which has eight of these premises in operation in Matanzas.

Joel Beltrán Archer Santos, presidente de la Corporación de la Aviación Cubana, estuvo en la inauguración. Foto: Tomada del Facebook del aeropuerto internacional de Varadero. 

Joel Beltrán Archer Santos, president of the Cuban Aviation Corporation, was at the inauguration. Photo: Taken from the Varadero International Airport Facebook.


In the presence of other political and government authorities, mass organizations, workers and neighbors of the place, pioneers and the Maravillas de la Infancia Community Project showed off their art in the afternoon of June 20th.

Avioncito de Colores is the result of a local adapted by forces of the international airport, a collective that with the initiative reaches another high note in the attention to the town of Carbonera, close to the aerodrome, second in importance in the country.

With capacity for fifty infants, the space has a couple of rooms for children of second, third, fourth and fifth years of life, furnished, with toys and the possibility of exhibiting audiovisual materials according to their age.

«Avioncito de Colores will soon begin to provide services. It has already been certified by Public Health. It has the required personnel and complies with the rest of the requirements», said Ivis Moliner Hernández, head of the educational level in the province.


Laura Fernández agradeció en nombre de las madres y padres trabajadores la creación de esta Casita Infantil. Foto: Tomada del Facebook del aeropuerto internacional de Varadero. 

Laura Fernández thanked on behalf of the working mothers and fathers for the creation of this Casita Infantil. Photo: Taken from the Varadero International Airport Facebook page.


The experience of children’s house, is a program that was resumed in 2021, in order to respond to the deficit of circles, and alleviate the situation faced by the family with the arrival of a small child, and where children, children of mothers, fathers or guardians in entities that from their economic and material conditions, can allocate funds for its opening, maintenance and ensure its sustainability.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.






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