Varadero celebrates three decades of Gran Caribe’s emergence.

Festivities for the thirtieth anniversary of the Gran Caribe hotel group are being prepared in Varadero, despite the days remaining before the arrival of August 1st, the date of its foundation in 1994.
Festivities for the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of the Gran Caribe hotel group are already being prepared in Varadero, in spite of the days left before August 1st, the date of its foundation in 1994.
Teresita Roosburgh Sotolongo, general secretary of the union bureau of Villa Cuba, one of the symbols of this chain in Playa Azul, announced an interesting program, with outstanding actions such as the tribute to the 12 active employees since the foundation of Gran Caribe, a moment that promises many emotions, she assured.
Although the best greeting to the anniversary is the fulfillment of the income plans, optimum quality and savings satisfaction indexes, the context is ideal, Roosburgh pointed out, to continue showing the most altruistic side of tourism.
«The idea is to welcome August 1st with our little ones from the homes without family shelter, both in Cárdenas and Matanzas, to whom we will take items donated by the workers and affiliates», said Roosburgh.
«On July 29th we will hold an activity with the dozen founders who honor tourism in Villa Cuba and Gran Caribe; on July 30th there will be a cocktail and culinary competition; on July 31st we will visit the homes and on August 1st we will hold a special morning event», she summarized.
Gran Caribe stands out in the country with classic, historic facilities, singular architectural richness and national monuments. In the case of Varadero, it owns thirteen hotels, including the Kawama Club, the oldest in the destination, a beautifully refurbished Mystique Casa Perla and the Meliá Internacional, which replaced the once iconic Varadero lodging.
The chain also showcases a brand like Starfish Cuatro Palmas, a facility recognized worldwide for the excellent satisfaction indexes found there by clients.
«We have the possibility of offering different categories of hotels, from three, four and five stars, the latter with a luxury colossus like the Meliá Internacional,» said Ismary Hernández Pérez, director of Gran Caribe’s representation in Varadero, a chain distinguished for having offers for all tastes.
«The best thing is that each facility, with its own charm, is having very good results. It all depends on what visitors are looking for to please them,» she said.
With 6,566 rooms, other attributes embroider the pre-eminence of Gran Caribe in Varadero, an exclusive Sun and Beach product that is trying everything to transcend in an environment where Gaviota, Cubanacán and Islazul also operate.
Photo: Humberto Cabeza is one of the twelve founders of Gran Caribe who still works at Villa Cuba. Photo by the author.
Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.