11 de diciembre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Varadero will host the Second Business Fair.

The famous Matanzas seaside resort will host the II Business Fair, as part of the Third International Scientific Congress University-Society, an event whose motto is For a learning society towards sustainable development.

Commerce of the province invite national and foreign research, teaching, production and specialized firms to participate in this meeting, which will provide a space to exhibit their products and services.

The event will include conferences on productive chaining, presentation of product portfolios, professional visits and a business forum, in which businessmen, buyers and interested professionals will be able to participate.

The II Business Fair will be held on March the 27th and 28th, as a space for exchange between professionals and businessmen in the field of sustainable development.

Written by Claudia Ortega Valido.






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