22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Writers and artists from Matanzas in defense of the Revolution.

Presidencia del Comité provincial de la UNEAC en Matanzas.

José Manuel Espino, as president; Leo E. García Ramos, first vice-president; Alfonsito Lloréns, vice-president and Leymen Pérez, new in similar responsibility, were ratified in their posts.

Large participation of writers and artists in the assembly X Congress of the UNEAC in Matanzas.


«We must thank the commendable work of this Union of Writers and Artists in Matanzas, for five years, which has been reflected in this assembly, with very revolutionary criteria, committed to Cuba, to culture, to the entire homeland».

So said musicologist Martha Bonet de la Cruz, national president of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, speaking at the Matanzas plenary, one of the last in the process prior to the X Congress of UNEAC, to be held next June, with the motto: «Culture is the Homeland».

The provincial assembly, held in the theater of the Provincial School of the José Smith Comas Party, valued the work of the five-year period, which was marked by difficult moments, where art and literature were poured into the communities and flourished in multiple spaces, both in the Social House of UNEAC and in institutions, squares, parks, student and labor centers.

It was a period of growth, as writer José Manuel Espino pointed out, when he presented the central report to the collective, which led to various analyses, both to praise the management and to recognize the links established with the Party and the Government through monthly meetings, with dividends in favor of the country’s cultural policy.

Concerns were also expressed, as well as the need for answers to problems of a governmental nature, such as those related to the continued tolerance in state entities of banal, vulgar and discriminatory musical pieces, in addition to the lack of dance halls and recreational centers at low prices for young people.

Balance of the UNEAC Provincial Committee in Matanzas 2024.


It was valued as important the indispensable attention that, in the municipalities and also in the network of tourism, the consecrated creators deserve, before insensitive positions of directors that favor personal or populist propensities, causing an inconsistent budgetary expense, in detriment of the artistic and literary quality offered to the people and to the foreign visitors.

The affiliates pronounced, among other issues, about difficulties with the banked payment to artists; inconsistencies with the retribution for Copyright in the publication of digital books; and the imponderable of creating a Theater School in Matanzas, considering the intense scenic movement, demanding talents that want to stay in their place of origin.

A creative breath of eagerness to do and work was enthroned in the assembly, when they began to raise new projects, to whose claim always responds the UNEAC in Matanzas, as were the call to hold an International Poetry Festival, a prima puesta, in June to come; the official support to the work of the Tentempié group, which has been successfully performing for more than a decade; and the increase of digital pages in social networks, exponents of the work of  creators from Jagüey Grande, Colón, Cárdenas and Matanzas.

During the election process, José Manuel Espino was congratulated and ratified in his position as president; filmmaker Leo E. García Ramos, first vice-president; musician Alfonsito Lloréns, vice-president and writer Leymen Pérez, new in the same position. The six representatives of the province to the national conclave were elected.

The assembly was also presided over by Party and Government authorities, leaders of various institutions and the Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso, who insisted on the need to increase the communication styles, to find answers to the concerns of artists and writers. He indicated that in Matanzas it can be done, because there is reception and understanding of what culture means for the feelings and spirituality of Cubans in these historical moments.

The delegates enjoyed the performance of the Atenas Brass Ensemble and an exhibition of beautiful visual pieces by Matanzas creators

Photos by the Author.

Written by María Elena Bayón.




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