27 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Varadero tastes like Cuba ahead of Gourmet 2023.

The interest of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) in the province of Matanzas in the total rescue of Cuban food and its daily presence in hotel facilities has just been endorsed at the Varadero Tastes Like Cuba event.

It was a unique opportunity for the kitchen chefs of all the destination’s facilities to honor the culinary art of a nation, prodigal in dishes in need of a recurrent place in the food proposals both in the hotel and extra-hotel network, considered Ibia Betancourt, deputy delegate of the MINTUR in this western territory.

An example of the vast potential and ingenuity of this art was what was exhibited at the Plaza America Convention Center, said Betancourt, pleased with the competitive environment generated in Varadero sabe a Cuba, where «the innovative and creative spirit of the culinarians» gathered there was also evident.

In the opinion of the MINTUR sub-delegate, the event was a true reflection of how much can be done with the products acquired in the national market and offered by various economic actors, elaborations worthy of being generalized throughout the country worthy of being generalized throughout Varadero, she suggested.

Betancourt highlighted the fact that the 13th Varadero Gourmet 2023 International Festival will be dedicated precisely to the preservation of Cuban Creole food, an ideal space for the chefs of the Blue Beach to show off their talent.

Since October 2019, Cuban Creole Cuisine, its practices and associated knowledge were declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation; culinary where elaborations and dishes such as cassava, ajiaco, tamales in casserole and in leaves, fricassee, boiled viands with mojo, corn flour, roast pork and fried pork dough, ropa vieja, guarapo, coffee, aliñao, among others, stand out.

Eddy Fernandez, president of the Culinary Federation of Cuba, insisted on the need to create, guide and lead an authentic Cuban cuisine, renewing, that preserves the best of our traditions and incorporates with full vitality to the tourist offers.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.

Photos from Joel García´s facebook.






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