ETECSA to inform about new commercial measures.

The directors of ETECSA’s Territorial Division in Matanzas urge the population to keep informed through official channels, through which the new measures will be announced before they come into effect.
Since the beginning of this year, news has been circulating in social networks about an alleged process of dollarization of ETECSA’s services.
On this issue, we talked to Ramón Paz Cabrera, commercial chief of ETECSA’s Territorial Division in Matanzas, who explains that after the economic reorganization, this is the only company that since then has maintained the dollar exchange rate at 24 Cuban pesos and notes that in all this time prices have not been raised, which makes it one of the telecommunications companies with the lowest rates in Latin America and the Caribbean.
According to Paz Cabrera, the aforementioned situation translates into a shortage of budget to invest in fiber optic cables, energy assurance of radio bases, as well as in other inputs that guarantee the quality of service.
When asked if it is true that ETECSA’s services will be dollarized, Ramón Paz Cabrera clarifies.
The directors of ETECSA’s Territorial Division in Matanzas urge the population to keep informed through official channels, through which the new measures will be announced before they come into effect.
Written by Regla Yasira de León Reyes.