13 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Migration mutilates families.

To stay in the fight, to start our country with what we have should be a priority for those of us who decided to stay in this beautiful green cayman, which is ours and that of all Cubans.

Families in Cuba are divided and it is not precisely because of religion, politics or incongruence among themselves, it is a global phenomenon and in our island it is more evident in recent years.

Migrating to other lands is a natural instinct of living beings, we see it in birds and other species that seek where they can survive crises. Human beings are part of this biological process.

How many times do we not hear rumors that someone has left; that doctor will no longer work because he stayed in another country, and so the days go by for those of us who decided to stay in this beautiful island, full of shortages and difficulties, but ours.

And the matter is sadder than we think because behind every decision to migrate there is a dismembered, mutilated family, old people and single mothers or children without the affection of their parents, and it is not only to follow the biological course of life.

In many homes there are only old family photographs, the table without serving, the empty chairs, the toys kept as trophies to remember that once a child played with them, the tombs without flowers because there is no one to take care of them and on the facade of the house a sign announcing their sale.

For those who emigrate it is very difficult to let go of their loved ones, to adapt to other customs, to work twelve hours straight, to know other ways of life and even to take a bite of food to their mouths hurts, it tears just to think that their loved ones will not do the same.

Yes, it hurts them to leave, but it also hurts those who stay, because our habits also change, the work becomes heavy, our loved ones will no longer be with us and realizing that we will not see them every day is heartbreaking.

Migrating is already a normal process in today’s Cuba, but it is still a concern for a society that is getting older and older. Let’s remember that most of those who decide to go to other countries are relatively young people.

This phenomenon brings the loss of productive population in cities and communities, thus reducing the labor force, which generates a partial paralysis in certain sectors and therefore tends to discourage economic growth.

Emigrating cannot be the most comfortable option. Staying in the fight, starting our country with what we have should be a priority for those of us who decide to stay in this beautiful green cayman, which is ours and that of all Cubans.

Written by Noelis Santoyo Cobas.



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