22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Representatives visit industries in Matanzas.

Deputies for Matanzas to the National Assembly of People’s Power toured important factories in this western territory as part of the work schedule prior to the accountability of the Ministry of Industries (MINDUS) before the Cuban Parliament.

The relevant moment will take place during the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the 10th Legislature, announced for December 2023 in Havana.

According to publications on the social network Facebook, members of the Supreme Organ of State Power visited the Eddio Teijeiro textile factory, commercially known as Bellotex, a plant with national exclusivity in the manufacture of blankets for covering tobacco posts, production of rope and synthetic cords, among other items.

During the visit to the looms workshop they received details of the process of obtaining fabrics and threads in machinery, some of which work thanks to the ingenuity of innovators and rationalizers, who deal with the shortage of parts and spare parts caused mainly by the U.S. blockade against Cuba, posted young congresswoman Roxana Valdés, journalist at Radio Unión.

At CONFORMAT, known as the bucket factory, another site with strong innovative activity, they appreciated the various alternatives that the Noel Fernández Conforming Company has used to maintain production flows, jobs and increase income.

Roxana herself highlighted the 251 metal furnaces made from totally defective cylinders that were donated to the province of Pinar del Río, after the devastating passage of hurricane Ian.

Founded in 1938, the only entity in Cuba in charge of the manufacture and repair of 10 and 45-kilogram liquefied gas cylinders is experiencing daily dramas due to the limited raw materials and the decline in its production, far from its historical production figures and also from the demand of customers.

In the workshop of the Unidad Empresarial de Base (UEB) EXCILGAS, belonging to the cube factory, they highlighted how they opted to cultivate a piece of land where okra, beans, avocado, among other fruits and vegetables are already growing, a solution that allows for changes in labor and for feeding the employees.

As part of the tour, which also included the Rayonitro plant in the city of Matanzas, the deputies went to Jovellanos, accompanied by Yamilín González Milián, First Deputy Minister of Industries, Party and municipal government leaders.

At the UEB Suchel-Jovel, Raúl Méndez González, director of the only manufacturer of liquid detergent in the country, expressed to the deputies the commitment to efficiently fulfill the plans for this hygiene product and also for toilet soap, both of which are basically destined to the basic food basket.

Suchel-Jovel is a standard bearer in the application of the 43 measures approved to strengthen the business sector, which has consolidated its financial assets to undertake investments, disburse more income to workers and increase the contribution to the nation’s economy.

During the notification of the accountability agreement to Eloy Alvarez Martinez, head of MINDUS, the president of the Cuban Parliament Esteban Lazo Hernandez called to turn the program of actions prior to the ANPP into a distinctive movement for popular participation, where each worker is a protagonist in the promotion of the main tasks, goals and priorities of the sector.

«That is the essential objective of accountability: that Cuban industry comes out stronger,» Lazo said on that occasion.

In this sense, he referred that it is not a formal process, but a principle intrinsic to our political system, as a genuine expression of socialist democracy.

«This is an accountability of the Ministry of Industries to the people, through the National Assembly», said the head of the Cuban legislative branch.

Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.


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