14 de enero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón


Resilience is the process of adapting well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threat or significant sources of stress, such as family or personal relationship problems, serious health problems or stressful work or financial situations.

Two days ago, a neighbor asked me the following question: What does the word resilience mean? And then he told me: I am a person with years of life and I had never heard it before, now I see it used frequently.

At that moment I explained to him, in broad strokes, the meaning of the word and I committed with him to make a commentary on the networks and the radio with more information. I know that many people have this doubt.

In Cuba it began to be used systematically during the Covid pandemic, although the origin of resilience is found in the Latin term resilio, which means to go back, to return from a jump, to stand out or bounce back.

In 1972 the word resilience was adapted to define people who, despite being born and living in high-risk environments, have a healthy and successful psychological development.

Resilience is the process of adapting well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threat, or significant sources of stress, such as family or personal relationship problems, serious health problems, or stressful work or financial situations.

Our resilience will make us successfully overcome the situation in which we are immersed, so we will need greater reserves of resilience and patience. The term was taken from the resistance of materials that bend without breaking, and then recover the original situation or shape.

Today many people need a high degree of resilience, because the world is going through an overwhelming crisis, Cuba does not escape from it. Cubans trained under adversities will know how to face the difficulties we face with work, collaboration and above all with optimism. I am sure that better times are coming, so let us wrap ourselves with a little resilience.

Written by Enrique Tirse.




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