17 de mayo de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The interior lights of the Matanzas Book Fair.

It is difficult to write at a time when there is a constant lack of electricity in the city, but although this problem exists, I must recognize that the 32nd Matanzas Book Fair, from March 6th to 10th, fulfilled its dreams of bringing to the population the most recent publications in this province and the country, exalted by the opportunity to talk with important writers and intellectuals.

A good percentage of the events were held without audio or lights. More than a hundred literary activities were held at the Palacio de Junco Museum, the UNEAC House, Los Chivos Park, a meeting place for AHS members, El Peregrino Hall, Narvaez Street, Pepe Camejo Hall, as well as at the Central Platform.

In addition, the Historical Archive, the House of Historians, the Gener and Del Monte libraries, the Pharmaceutical Museum and the Art Museum, as well as the presentation of books and authors in selected places of the University, primary, secondary and pre-university schools.

Likewise, the book presentations were held at the Vigía, Aldabón and Casa de las Letras Digdora Alonso publishing houses and at the Conservator’s Office, the Tirri 81 mansion, where Carilda Oliver Labra lived, and the Sauto Theater.

The tributes to outstanding figures such as writer José Manuel Espino and the group Teatro de las Estaciones, which is about to celebrate its 30th anniversary, were gratifying.

In the fair area of Paseo Narváez and Medio Street, more than 200 managers worked hard between the Provincial Center of Books and Literature and the national and foreign publishers who came to bring their offers.

As in previous years, the prices ranged from the modest prices of local books to the high options offered by other countries, a situation that is impossible to reverse in today’s times, since books abroad cost a lot and they must make a profit, while in Cuba, volumes are subsidized by the State.

As a final view, in my opinion, the great effort that the authorities of the country made to celebrate the fair, against all odds, and for the best, under a bright sun, was rewarded by the interest of the people of Matanzas.

The 32nd International Book Fair in Matanzas was mainly supported by the passion of the directors, institutions and workers, in a tight bond with writers and artists, both Yumurian and national of great prestige, to expand the reading of science, arts and universal knowledge among our fellow countrymen.

Photos by the Author.

Written by Félix González.





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