Amor Varadero Award closes next January 31st.

Since six editions ago, the contest has incorporated a drawing section with the participation of the youngest children and under the auspices of the Gaby and Sofi brand, these will be awarded together with the winning writer, on February 14th.
The 44th edition of the Premio Amor Varadero contest, dedicated to Frank Padrón Nodarse, opens its doors to poetry lovers, but especially to those who enjoy love in all its spheres.
Until January 31st, writers living in Cuba can send poems of up to three pages in Word format to the e-mail address premioamorvaradero1@gmail. com or to 52949139. Yenisleydis Torres Ramírez, literature specialist at the Gonzalo Roig Cultural Center, said.
«Making love poetry and not being reiterative is something very difficult indeed, so how to renew, how to search, that’s what the Amor Varadero Award is based on, on the search for the renewal of that love poetry without falling into the same. Sometimes making poetry without mentioning the word love is the most difficult thing there is.
«Besides, it gives people the opportunity, whether they have published books or not, to participate; that is very important because anyone who writes is there. You don’t have to be a great writer, you are simply there to be discovered.»
For six editions now, the contest has incorporated a drawing section with the participation of the youngest children, and under the auspices of the Gaby and Sofi brand, these will be awarded together with the winning writer, on February 14th.
Written by Melissa Guerra.