27 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Culture Day, an opportunity for recognition of good work.

With the remembrance of Magaly Bernal, Pedro Vera, Rolando Estévez, Agustín Drake and Arnaldo Jiménez de la Cal, who passed away during the last year and the exaltation of the need to maintain their legacy, the day of October 20th, Cuban Culture Day in Matanzas, began.

In the building where the provincial government is located, as it is traditional in these dates, the Direction of Culture exalted the transcendental work of several personalities and institutions that are celebrating the closing year of life or artistic trajectory this 2023.

Among those honored were José Ramón Chávez (85 years of life and 60 years in the arts); Manuel Hernández (80 years of life); Osmany Betancourt «Lolo» and María (50 years of life); Ulises Rodríguez Febles (55 years of life); Liliam Padrón and Mercedes Fernández (65 years of life); René Dámaso Almendariz «Pirolo» and Diosdado Ramos (75 years of life); María Victoria Oliver (50 years of artistic life) and Alfredo Zaldívar (40 years of artistic life).

The distinguished institutions were the Gener and Del Monte Library, for their 190 years; the Sauto Theater for its 160 years; the publishing houses Matanzas and Aldabón, with 45 and 25 years, respectively; the Matanzas branches of the Cuban Fund of Cultural Goods, ARTEX and the Cuban Association of Artisans and Artists, with 35 years of work. They also recognized the San Severino Castle (330), headquarters of the Museum of the Slavery Route (20), the System of Culture Houses (45) and the Lorenzo Padilla Art Museum (25).

The list of cultural personalities whose work was praised included Adán Rodríguez Falcón, Maylan Álvarez, Maya Sierra, Lourdes Núñez, Inés María Hernández, Leonides de León, José de las Nieves and María de los Ángeles Horta, as well as Luis Cordero, Marcia Brito, Ana Valdés Portillo and Yamila Gordillo.

Rubén Darío Salazar, Roberto Braulio González, Gilberto Subiaurt, Rubén Vázquez and Carlos Miguel Oliva were unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments, but were applauded by their colleagues.

During the meeting, Mario Sabines Lorenzo, Governor of Matanzas, updated those present on the most recent things that have been done in the territory in terms of culture, although, he said, «what we have been able to do, which we don’t think is that much, has cost us a lot, but we are working to make the province and the city a little better.»

He also took the opportunity to publicize some of the economic results of Matanzas and delved into the fact that this is a site with potentialities to produce and export and how these monetary resources should revert in advances, among others, in the artistic-literary and patrimonial branch.

Sucely Morfa González, secretary of the Party, ratified the «honor of having simple, talented people, enormous in will and feeling», such as those who shared the morning. She highlighted the accompaniment of the creators of Matanzas to the 330th anniversary of the foundation of the city.

Sabines Lorenzo specified that the constructive works did not conclude, but that they work to settle the debts that persist with the patrimony and the culture of Matanzas.

On October 20th, he continued with a tour of two emblematic buildings of the city: the Gener y Del Monte Library, recently reopened after almost 20 years of closure, and the San Severino Castle, the only constructive vestige still standing of the founding moment of the city of rivers and bridges.

Written by Jessica Mesa Duarte.




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