25 de enero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Fidel and the sugar industry.

Despite shortcomings, blockades and others, if the accumulated experiences in this sector are applied, we can have more dignified harvests.

It is no secret that the Cuban sugar industry is stagnant, or rather, in regression, a regression that has been observed since the very beginning of the special period, when the objective conditions did not allow it to maintain the development achieved in the 70s and 80s of the last century, when production exceeded seven million tons of sugar.

I believe that the managers and officials of the sector should study and, above all, put into practice the teachings that Fidel left about this branch, which for a long time was the locomotive of the Cuban economy.

The Scientific and Technical Information Center of MINAZ compiled a synthesis of the extensive documentation in more than 149 documents containing the thoughts of the Commander in Chief on the sugar agroindustry.

With the quotations extracted verbatim, a voluminous text was formed, in 385 pages, gathered in nine main topics. In each quotation, the original document is indicated, so that scholars can go deeper into the subject.

All of us who followed Fidel’s work can attest that among his many functions, he was permanently involved in sugar production. The text, entitled: Fidel Castro and the sugar industry, is an excellent guide for those who work or manage the activity in Cuba.

In spite of shortages, blockade and others, if the accumulated experiences in this sector are applied, we can make more worthy harvests.

Written by Enrique Tirse.



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