6 de marzo de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Matanzas is already in summer mode (+audios and summer theme song).

From June 29th this year until next August 31st Cuba will be in Summer Mode. The directorates of Culture in Matanzas organized a broad plan with more than a thousand actions in the province.

Cuba will be in Summer Mode from June 29th to August 31st. The directorates of Culture in Matanzas organized a broad plan with more than a thousand actions in the province, in which the different artistic manifestations are combined with options for the diversity of audiences.

In the organization of this extensive program, the presence of amateur artists in their neighborhoods and communities, as well as the José Martí Brigades of Art Instructors, was strengthened.

As a preamble to the beginning of summer, the 25th Atenas Rock Festival will be held in Matanzas, one of the oldest in the country dedicated to this genre, with the presence of bands from Mexico, France, Canada and Cuba.

See also: https://www.radio26.cu/noticias-de-matanzas/cultura/presentan-programa-del-festival-atenas-rock/

«On the 29th we will open the summer in parks, squares, communities of the thirteen municipalities of Matanzas, with different cultural options in which professional groups, dancers, the movement of amateur artists and the Brigades of Art Instructors José Martí, which will celebrate its twentieth anniversary, will participate.

«From 10:00 a.m. activities will take place in the Viaducto area, from the Abra del Yumurí cultural center to El Tenis beach, where the Provincial Festival of Ruedas de Casino will take place, the central activity that day in the city of Matanzas, which will be attended by twelve ruedas. The Adalberto Alvarez y su son orchestra will put rhythm to this celebration from 10:00 p.m. at Viaducto Square», informs Noslén González Sosa, deputy provincial director of Culture in Matanzas.

In addition to these proposals will be the presentation of performing arts groups, the show Llegó el verano, at 5:00 p.m., with performances by amateur artists and socio-cultural projects.

See also: https://www.tvcubana.icrt.cu/destacados/7518-espacios-cinematograficos-en-el-verano-del-2024

The provincial Center of Books and Literature will be added to the summer festivities, which opens with the Book Saturday, on the 29th. «There will be actions in parks, squares with book sales and meetings with local artists; fixed spaces such as La guillotina, Wednesday of poetry.

«As a fundamental dish we will have the territorial summer book fairs in four municipalities. Writers will share with the public on July 6th in the park of Jagüey Grande, on July 20th in Cárdenas, on August 3rd in the Culture Week of the municipality of Colón (from the 1st to the 8th) and on the 17th in Pedro Betancourt».

On July 6th the writers will commemorate the 102nd anniversary of the birth of the poet Carilda Oliver Labra with several actions of the project Al sur de mi garganta and in August the Jornada Literaria José Jacinto Milanés is scheduled.

On Sunday 30th, the actions to start the summer continue with the concert of the Miguel Failde Orchestra, at 5 p.m., at the Parque de la Libertad, a group that will tour several municipalities at the end of the vacations.

Among the proposals most requested by the population every year at this stage are the historical routes offered by the Provincial Center for Cultural Heritage, which total 32 this 2024 in the 13 municipalities of the province.


It is worth mentioning the presentations of the Blue Tent of the National Circus of Cuba with the show Evolution in 17 performances, between July 11th and 28th in Matanzas. «The performances will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:00 in the evening and on Saturdays and Sundays at 4:00 in the afternoon and 8:00 at night.

«The circus has 600 capacities. To avoid unnecessary transportation and crowding, 300 tickets will be sold in the tent itself and 300 in the Velasco movie theater.

«There will also be circus performances in the municipalities of Cárdenas, from August 1st to 18th, and from August 22nd to September 1st in Jagüey Grande».

To celebrate Children’s Day, La Colmenita’s tour from July 17th to 21st will reach the municipalities of Martí, Perico, Calimete, Jagüey Grande, the Ceiba Mocha popular council, Callejón de las Tradiciones, Unión de Reyes, Guanábana and the neighborhoods of Gelpys, Monserrate and Pastorita with the shows Ajiaco de sueños, Meñique and the musical La cucarachita Martina.


Other events that will add Cuban flavor to the summer season will be the Rumba Festival, from July 24th to 28th; the cultural and recreational festivities from 25th to 28th; the Yumurí Cineclub Meeting, from August 22nd to 25th; the Varadero Jossone Rumba Jazz y Son Festival, with a sub venue at Viaducto Square, from August 19th to 21st and from 23rd to 25th at Jossone Park; and the closing of the Timbalaye Festival, along the rumba route in the territory.

«Specialists and artists of the visual arts propose several workshops in the network of galleries. Among the exhibition proposals, on July 5th we will inaugurate an exhibition by Matanzas photographer Ernesto Cruz at the Fire Station, in connection with the second stage in the city of the Intermittent Rivers project of the 15th Havana Biennial».


Visual arts workshops, performing arts, literature, tours by Alfonsito Llorens, the mariachis Los Coyotes and Atenas, Teatro de Las Estaciones and the Lira Matanzas through the neighborhoods and communities, in addition to ARTEX and the Cuban Fund for Cultural Goods, audiovisual screenings, exhibitions, dances in the communities and concerts will contribute to the enjoyment of the Matanzas population in the summer of 2024.

During the months of July and August, the 17 artistic brigades of the province will offer around 480 actions in popular councils and neighborhoods in transformation throughout Matanzas.

Among the motivations that will distinguish the summer season are the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Teatro de las Estaciones, the centenary of the Lira Matancera and the 170th anniversary of the birth of the patriot of the province, Juan Gualberto Gómez.

Written by Jessica Mesa.



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