13 de febrero de 2025

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

Six poets invited to Poetry Wednesday.

This April’s Poetry Wednesday welcomed six poets recently admitted to the Writers’ Association at UNEAC’s social house, whose quality and trajectory deserved this fair recognition.

This April’s Poetry Wednesday hosted at UNEAC’s social house the six poets recently admitted to the Writers’ Association, whose quality and trajectory deserved this fair recognition.

They were the laureate writers Cecilia Soto, Lucía Cristina Pérez, Cristina Martínez, Raisa Olivera, Freddy Casanova and Julio César Pérez, the latter elected vice president of the association in the last plenary session prior to the 10th Congress of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba.

In a round, in which the diverse themes and ways of extolling the poetic discourse were appreciated, those present enjoyed this fresh exhibition, which demonstrates the boom of the literary movement in Matanzas.

The director of the Casa de las Letras Digdora Alonso and conductor of the space, Alfredo Zaldívar Muñoa, National Publishing Award, signified the consolidation of this territory within the panorama of Cuban letters.

The outstanding promoter and also director of Ediciones Matanzas announced that a great poetic event is being organized for the coming month of June, whose proclamation will be announced in the next few days.

Present at the event were, among others, award winners Leymen Pérez and Maylan Álvarez, who praised the creations of the UNEAC members.


The Board of Directors of the Provincial Book and Literature Center sent to the press a message of greetings to the new writers who are members of the prestigious organization, which expresses:

«We are very committed to this movement that is promoted and has great acceptance among intellectuals, institutions and population. This growth motivates us to generate other literary spaces in the programming, so that the talent of our writers radiates to the people of Matanzas.

«Literature thrives and must enlarge its place within the large group of artistic manifestations that adorn the Athens of Cuba, in order to insert the literati in the promotion of that spiritual world that incites reading.»

Written by María Elena Bayón.


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