UBPC Gispert committed to good potato planting campaign (+photos).

The Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) Gispert, in Colón municipality, is in the crucial phase to respond to the forecast of a good potato planting season in the period 2020-2025.
Since its inception by the Laberinto farm, the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) Gispert, in this municipality, is in the crucial phase to respond to the forecast of yielding a good potato planting season in the period 2020-2025.
More than 3 thousand tons of potatoes must be delivered by UBPC to exceed the levels of last season. Photo: Iris Quintero.
Committed to planting more than 160 hectares, its lands are already receiving the tuber, a stage preceded by preparation activities, which, of course, will define the effectiveness of the work, explained Heberto Soto Ravelo, head of production at UBPC.
Despite some difficulties such as the weather situation and the lack of fuel, he said, everything possible was done to ensure that the soil received the appropriate treatment, guaranteeing the quality required for the optimum progress of the crop, according to a report on the Tv Yumurí website.
The availability of good seeds, the necessary quantity and fertilizers, is something positive, evidence of what the Cuban state has done in the face of the increase in the price of imported seeds, which in this case is varied, is something fundamental, Soto considered.
These efforts, he said, should be honored with the expected yields in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the production plan, taking into account the need to ensure irrigation in the midst of the electro-energetic situation, with lubricants and fuels.
UBPC Gispert faces the current season with the advantage of its experience in potato cultivation, exemplified in a Variety Garden of reference in the country, which measures phytosanitary behavior, crop care and agricultural yields.
Written by Eva Luna Acosta Armiñán.