Scientific Workshop on José Martí at the University of Matanzas.
With the panel on the imprint of the work of Cuba’s National Hero in educational work, the twelfth edition of the provincial workshop «José Martí in the Cuban School» began at the University of Matanzas.
The 12th edition of the provincial workshop «José Martí in the Cuban School» kicked off at the University of Matanzas with a panel on the imprint of the work of Cuba’s National Hero in the educational work.
According to the note published on the website of the Yumurina academy, in the annual event, organized by the Faculty of Education, more than two hundred participants grouped in nine workshops, discussed about different topics related to the Apostle, and presented their experiences in the «construction of knowledge».
As a particularity of this edition, the event was not concentrated in a single date and scenario, since April in different educational institutions of the province, similar days were developed to confirm that the dialogue of the new generations with José Martí should be permanent.
The exchange was also an opportunity for the Cátedra Martiana of the University of Matanzas to congratulate Doctor of Science Elmys Escribanos Hervis, for his work in the promotion and dissemination of the life and work of the most universal of Cubans and as the main manager of the research project Educating with José Martí.
In the context of the meeting, its participants condemned the genocide committed against the Palestinian people by the Zionist government of Israel and pleaded for world peace.
The provincial scientific workshop «José Martí in the Cuban school» is part of the activities carried out by the university to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the beginning of Higher Education in Matanzas.
Written by Yovana Baró Álvarez.