26 de julio de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The tenth in relief in Matanzas.

Writers from Matanzas will host the upcoming celebration of the II Ibero-American Congress of the Tenth and Improvised Verse, from May 31st to June 2nd, with activities that extol the peasant culture and its urban expression with the cultivation of the spinel.

Writers from Matanzas will host the upcoming celebration of the II Ibero-American Congress of the Tenth and Improvised Verse, from May 31st to June 2nd, with activities that extol the peasant culture and its urban expression with the cultivation of the spinel.

Headed by literary members of the UNEAC and the AHS, events will be promoted together with the Provincial Center of Books and Literature to promote the development of this verse that has in Matanzas one of its most relevant emporiums, with top exponents both in writing: Placido, Milanés, Acosta, Carilda, as well as the most contemporary ones, with a literary and oral movement that predicts a transcendent takeoff for this genre.

From the 14th to the 18th the XXI Festival «Entre Letras y Carbones» will take place in Ciénaga de Zapata, with the participation of the Center for Literary Promotion José Jacinto Milanés, Ediciones Matanzas, Vigia and Aldabón, reading of verses, exchange with authors from Matanzas, book expo sale and visits to historical places and important institutions of the locality.

On the 15th, the Tenth Writing Workshop «Con tus ojos míos», at the Aldabón publishing house for young people to learn the language and grammar of the octosyllables, is announced.

Also announced at the José Jacinto Milanés Center, the Fernandito García Tenth Workshop, at the end of the month, which aims to promote poetry in our province and prepare its members in the techniques of this genre.

In Limonar, Casa Naborí keeps its program active with guateques, where several generations of repentistas present the best of their creations.

The venue of the II Ibero-American Congress of the Decima and Improvised Verse will be the Arenas Blancas hotel in the Varadero beach resort and the participation of researchers, poets, musicians and national culturists plus similar ones from Spain, Puerto Rico, Panama, Chile and Venezuela is foreseen.

The poet and president of the meeting, Luis Paz Esquivel, told the press that the event can help this tradition, with different names in each country, to be seen as the Common Market of the South did with the paya of Chile and the payada of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.

The Congress will strengthen relations through three lines of work: women, the new generations and the cultural heritage itself.

Dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention and the 100th anniversary of the birth of Adolfo Alfonso Fernández, outstanding cultivator of the Cuban dot and 2004 National Music Prize, the II Ibero-American Congress of the Decima and Improvised Verse will also be a stimulus to the versification of the Cuban Dot, declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Written by María Elena Bayón.





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