22 de octubre de 2024

Radio 26 – Matanzas, Cuba

Emisora provincial de Matanzas, Cuba, La Radio de tu Corazón

The Milanés Debate-Competition in Matanzas is summoned.

…»One of the greatest Cuban writers of all times…», said José Lezama Lima,  about the  poetry of José Jacinto Milanés, besides expressed  that his transcendence was in the refined simplicity with which he looked at nature.


It is said that one of the greatest Cuban writers of all times, José Lezama Lima, when referring to the poetry of José Jacinto Milanés expressed that his transcendence was in the refined simplicity with which he looked at nature, as he did in the poems entitled La madrugada, La tórtola and El beso, where he appeared «agile, full of enchantment, with a quick reflection through which penetrate, fine and deep, the most refined essences of what is ours».

So close to Matanzas and on the occasion of the 210th anniversary of the birth of the most renowned Matanzas´s author of the 19th century, in the Athens of Cuba, the Milanés Poetry Contest-Debate 2024, organized by the House of Letters Digdora Alonso, Matanzas Editions and the Center of Promotion José Jacinto Milanés, with the sponsorship of the Provincial Center of the Book and Literature and the Direction of Culture in the province, is summoned.

In the bases of the Contest-Debate Milanés it is indicated that all the resident poets in the province of Matanzas will be able to participate with a single totally unpublished poem of no more than three pages.

Submissions to the contest will be made only by e-mail as an attachment to jacquemendezmartinez71@gmail.com or by WhatsApp to the mobile 59862371.

Ten finalist poems will be selected, who will receive by WhatsApp or e-mail the notification of their admission to the contest. In addition to the writing, the authors must send a form with their data: name, ID card number and address. Also telephone, e-mail or other means of location.

The physical presence of the contestant will be indispensable, otherwise he/she will be excluded from the contest.

The deadline for entries is August 4th, 2024 at 12:00 noon.

The session of the Milanés contest-debate will take place on August 16, the date of the birth of the bard from Matanzas. A SINGLE PRIZE will be granted in cash, diploma and the publication of the work by  Matanzas Editions.

Written by María Elena Bayón.



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